Series Overview
Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35, NIrV) However, sometimes generosity doesn’t come naturally to us. We want the newest and best things, or we want everyone to notice what we have. When we really enjoy the things we have, sometimes that makes it harder for us to be willing to share with others. However, with the help of God’s Spirit, we can learn that HOW we give is more important than even WHAT we give. It’s about our hearts. God showed us the ultimate example of generosity by sending Jesus. This month, we’ll take a look at how we can respond by being generous to others.
Memory Verse
“Every good + perfect gift is from God” – James 1:17a, NIRV
Week One (November 3)
Every Good + Perfect Gift
Bible Story: James 1:17a
Key Question: What good things has given you?
Virtue: Generosity – Making someone’s day by giving something away.
We start the month with an insight from James 1:17a: “Every good and perfect gift is from God.” (NIrV) Every good thing in our lives comes from God, starting with the gift of Jesus. When we take the time to reflect on all that God has given us, we can respond by being generous to others.
Sometimes we can get so caught up in the things that other people have that we forget about the good things WE have. It’s easy to hone in on our physical possessions and forget that God has blessed all of us in different ways. We hope this question invites preteens to open their minds to the various ways God cares for them.
Week Two (November 10)
Widow of Zarephath
Bible Story: 1 Kings 17:7-16
Key Question: What do you have to give?
Virtue: Generosity – Making someone’s day by giving something away
In Week 2, we read about a miracle found in 1 Kings 17:7-16. During a time of drought, the prophet Elijah visited a widow in Zarephath. This woman barely had anything left for her family, let alone for him. Yet, she trusted God and gave everything she had to Elijah . . . and God provided for them above and beyond what they expected.
Sometimes we may not think we have much to give. But have you heard the phrase “a little goes a long way”? Whether we have an abundance of something or only a little, we all have something we can give: time, gifts, or even knowledge. We hope this question helps preteens to discover unique ways they can help others with what they have.
Week Three (November 17)
God Loves A Cheerful Giver
Bible Story: 2 Corinthians 9:7
Key Question: How do you feel when you give?
Virtue: Generosity – Making someone’s day by giving something away
In Week 3, we take a look at Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 9:7. Paul was writing to the church in Corinth, encouraging them to give. When we give, it pleases God—not just because of what we give, but because of the way we give it. When we give with a good attitude, we can help others see what God is like.
Have you ever noticed how excited some people get when they
watch others open gifts? The gift isn’t even for them, and yet they can’t wait to see someone they care about receive something they’ll enjoy! Our hope for this question is that preteens will stop and think not only about why being generous is important, but also how important our attitude can be when we give.
Week Four (November 24)
Love In Action
Bible Story: 1 John 3:16-18
Key Question: When has someone been generous to you?
Virtue: Generosity – Making someone’s day by giving something away
We close out the month in 1 John 3:16-18. John was writing to a group of believers to encourage them and remind them about Jesus’ love for them. John described how Jesus gave the greatest example of love when He gave His life for us. To love IS to give. Whether we give our time, our talent, or our things, we can show the love of Jesus when we give to those in need.
Can you think of a moment when you really needed something and someone came through for you? Maybe it was something small, like lending you a pen . . . or maybe it was something bigger, like letting you borrow their car. When we think about the moments when others have helped us, we see how we can be there for others too.